Thrive Annual Report 2023/24, click here
New Youth Building arrives at Stainbeck, 19 February 2024
This is building the Kingdom in more ways that one: the congregation at Stainbeck URC are “super excited” that their new youth building arrived on Monday 19th February. Usually, we think of buildings being built, brick by brick or stone by stone, but in this case it has been craned in as you’ll see in the cover photo kindly supplied by Rev Angela Hughes.
The foundations were “screwed” into place at the back end of January and the ground was prepared to receive the new building earlier this month. Happily the weather seems to have played its own part and the contractors were able to get the module in place.
It’s a modular building that young people will be able to use as a safe space. This is a joint venture between Stainbeck URC, InterACT and THRIVE LEEDS, two local Leeds based organisations working in the Stainbeck area with young people. As well as being this safe space, the module will be available for use by others in the local community and Stainbeck tells us that they have a group of between 20 and 30 youngsters all ready to make it their own – watch this space!
History of project click here
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Hannah Dey at Stainbeck 25 June 2023 click below
Thrive video click below
Usually third Sunday of the month at Stainbeck Church
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Messy Church shares the Easter Story